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Science Fiction Thriller



 Is there extra terrestrial life? Even if space travel can reach speeds faster than light, can aliens really reach Earth? Why would aliens want to visit Earth? Would aliens be interested in a purely good will scientific mission or a militaristic conquest? Will the aliens have futuristic laser weapons capable of destroying mankind? Will man ever develop any kind of defense in outer space? What about offensive capabilities? The non weaponization of space treaty is good to prevent one country from dominating space, but an international group should help fund the X-33 craft. If only to destroy or break up asteroids heading for Earth or destroying the now enormous amounts of space debris orbiting Earth.



 S. F. Blade is an obvious pen name. After reading Altered Intellect the pen name will become evident. The author is a recently retired Electrical Engineer with a thirty year career in circuit design. Always a big fan of Sci-Fi especially alien abduction and why aliens would be interested in Earth. How alien's would plan an invasion? A militaristic or space warfare is probably not very viable for aliens traveling through space for many years to get to Earth. What kind of futuristic technology would the aliens possess? High intensity lasers are probably the most viable weapons for space.  The author is also curious about man's fascination with apocalyptic struggles. The author has had the story of cyborgs and biotechnological warfare expanding in his mind for a couple years and finally decided to write a story where the science fiction is a little more realistic.

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Sci-Fi Movie Review

Dec 09, 2016

Tim Burton's spoof of the 1950's Sci-Fi genre

Mars Attacks!

The best Sci-Fi comedy or spoof ever made! A star filled cast. A funny take off of the old classic Sci-Fi films from the 40's through the 60's. Invite friends over and have a blast poking fun at the movie!

Dec 01, 2016


Well made movie with good acting. Amy Adams is great in this movie! Not a typical sci-fi movie. It seems the writer just picked aliens as a backdrop to tell a story. The story does make you think. Probably not worth the cost to view on a big screen. No action scenes require big screen. Movie is a little long and drawn out. Would be better as an Outer Limits episode! Better viewed at home on DVD!

Dec 16, 2016

12:00 PM


One of the better star wars movies. If you like space battles or a fan of war pictures, you will love this movie! Fast action that needs to be viewed on a large screen. Character development was weak. Never really fell in love with any of the characters.

Feb 10, 2017

Batman: The Lego movie 3-D

The 3-D effects were very good. Only a couple scenes had fuzzy 3-D. The story was good for kids and adults. The ending was probably meant mostly for the kids. Movie is funny but hardly noteworthy. No one will be quoting jokes or one liners from this movie. Actually an hour after the movie you will not remember much of movie. However, the movie is entertaining while you are watching. A big knock on the blatant product placement scenes. After paying $17, you should not have to watch advertisements!.

Mar 24, 2017


The movie seemed like it was ripped from the middle of a story. No character development was even attempted. A romance was attempted, but fell flat on its face! The alien had more charisma and personality than the entire crew! The alien was not the least bit scary. No surprises in this movie. You know what is coming next! The acting was subpar. I really hope that top level scientists have and follow the most basic quarantine procedures unlike in this movie! No reason to see this movie on the big screen!

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